# Debug
##import os
##print "Content-type: text/html\n"
##import sys
##sys.stderr = sys.stdout
# Copyright 2011 Jon Rifkin
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Usage
# Purpose
# Authenticate users against a CAS server from your python cgi scripts.
# Using in your script
# import pycas
# status, id, cookie = pycas.login(CAS_SERVER,THIS_SCRIPT)
# Required Parameters
# - CAS_SERVER : the url of your CAS server
# (for example, https://login.yoursite.edu).
# - THIS_SCRIPT: the url of the calling python cgi script.
# Returned Values
# - status: return code, 0 for success.
# - id : the user name returned by cas.
# - cookie: when non-blank, send this cookie to the client's
# browser so it can authenticate for the rest of the
# session.
# Optional Parmaters:
# - lifetime: lifetime of the cookie in seconds, enforced by pycas.
# Default is 0, meaning unlimited lifetime.
# - path: Authentication cookie applies for all urls under 'path'.
# Defaults to "/" (all urls).
# - protocol: CAS protocol version. Default is 2. Can be set to 1.
# - secure: Default is 1, which authenticates for https connections only.
# - opt: set to 'renew' or 'gateway' for these CAS options.
# Examples:
# status, id, cookie = pycas.login(CAS_SERVER,THIS_SCRIPT,protocol=1,secure=0)
# status, id, cookie = pycas.login(CAS_SERVER,THIS_SCRIPT,path="/cgi-bin/accts")
# Status Codes are listed below.
# Constants
# Secret used to produce hash. This can be any string. Hackers
# who know this string can forge this script's authentication cookie.
SECRET = "7f16162998eb7efafb1498f75190a937"
# Name field for pycas cookie
PYCAS_NAME = "pycas"
# CAS Staus Codes: returned to calling program by login() function.
CAS_OK = 0 # CAS authentication successful.
CAS_COOKIE_EXPIRED = 1 # PYCAS cookie exceeded its lifetime.
CAS_COOKIE_INVALID = 2 # PYCAS cookie is invalid (probably corrupted).
CAS_TICKET_INVALID = 3 # CAS server ticket invalid.
CAS_GATEWAY = 4 # CAS server returned without ticket while in gateway mode.
# Status codes returned internally by function get_cookie_status().
COOKIE_AUTH = 0 # PYCAS cookie is valid.
COOKIE_NONE = 1 # No PYCAS cookie found.
COOKIE_GATEWAY = 2 # PYCAS gateway cookie found.
COOKIE_INVALID = 3 # Invalid PYCAS cookie found.
# Status codes returned internally by function get_ticket_status().
TICKET_OK = 0 # Valid CAS server ticket found.
TICKET_NONE = 1 # No CAS server ticket found.
TICKET_INVALID = 2 # Invalid CAS server ticket found.
"CAS authentication successful.",
"PYCAS cookie exceeded its lifetime.",
"PYCAS cookie is invalid (probably corrupted).",
"CAS server ticket invalid.",
"CAS server returned without ticket while in gateway mode.",
###Optional log file for debugging
# Imports
import os
import cgi
from hashlib import md5
import time
import urllib
import urlparse
# Functions
# For debugging.
def writelog(msg):
f = open(LOG_FILE,"a")
timestr = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ");
f.write(timestr + msg + "\n");
# Used for parsing xml. Search str for first occurance of
Parameters sent from browser
# Print browser parameters from pycas.login
if cgi.FieldStorage().has_key("ticket"):
ticket = cgi.FieldStorage()["ticket"].value
ticket = ""
in_cookie = os.getenv("HTTP_COOKIE")
print """
Ticket %s
Cookie %s
Parameters returned from pycas.login()
status | %s - %s |
id | %s |
cookie | %s |